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What Is Wellness? The 3 pillars of Wellness to Embrace

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard the term wellness thrown around a lot in the past few years. You might have even wondered what it means and how to embrace it. Wellness is an expansive concept that encompasses everything from diet, exercise, and mental well-being. The term can also be used as a noun (as in “an acupuncturist practices Chinese wellness medicine”) or an adjective (“a holistic wellness program”). It is used broadly to describe any program that encourages the maintenance of good health and well-being in our community.

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What is Wellness? A brief intro to the concept and its benefits

Health and wellness are both extremely important to each person’s overall well-being. However, there are some clear differences between the two. Health is an absence of disease, while wellness is the presence of health. Health is what we have, while wellness is what we are. Healthy people can have unhealthy minds; unhealthy people can have healthy minds. Health is about the physical body, while wellness is about the mental, emotional, and spiritual selves. These are some of the key differences between health and wellness that explain why they are pursued by different people and in different ways. There are also some other practical differences between the two that can be helpful to consider when trying to better understand and embrace wellness in your own life.

How do you measure wellness?

It’s important to note that wellness is a continuum, meaning that it is not a static state that we arrive at once we’ve reached perfection. We, as individuals, are always working towards bettering ourselves, and consequently, our communities. There is no one way to measure wellness. It can be measured in multiple ways, depending on what you’re trying to understand and discover. Below are a few ways you can measure your wellness.

— Rate your overall health on a scale of 1–10

— Rate your mental health on a scale of 1–10

— Rate your physical health on a scale of 1–10

— Rate your social connections on a scale of 1–10

— Rate your financial stability on a scale of 1–10

The 3 pillars of Wellness: diet, exercise, and mental health

These are the “pillars” of wellness — diet, exercise, and mental health — and they are crucial to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Diet is the type of food you eat, exercise is the amount of movement you get throughout the day, and mental health is your level of stress. Achieving balance in these three areas can make a big difference in your well-being.

Diet — Healthy, natural whole foods are the foundation of a well-balanced diet. In order to feel energized and vibrant, you need to eat a diet that is rich in nutrients, protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water; low in calories; and limited in sugar, salt, saturated fat, and preservatives. A good way to be intentional about eating healthy is to start a diet such as the Keto diet. The Keto diet allows you to eat healthy without having to give up your favorite foods or starve yourself. If you are interested in learning more about the Keto diet, start by creating a custom keto diet plan. If you are interested in recipes, here is a download of 3 Free Keto Recipe books.

Exercise — Movement is crucial to health and well-being. Movement can be as simple as pacing while on the phone or walking around the block, or it can be more intense like yoga or Pilates. If you find trouble sticking to a workout, I would recommend keeping a workout log.

Mental Health — Stress is an inevitable part of life. However, if you are experiencing too much, or the type of stress you experience is not healthy, you can experience negative outcomes like anxiety, depression, and more. Meditation is a good way to keep your mental health in shape.

Wrapping up: What is wellness for you?

Wellness is an important component of a healthy, balanced life that can be measured in many different ways. However, wellness should not be about obsessing over numbers or doing extreme physical activity. It should be about finding a way to incorporate healthy diet, movement, and emotional balance into your daily life. If you are interested in continuing your journey towards wellness, remember to keep an open mind, make time for yourself, and try not to compare yourself to others. If you feel stuck or overwhelmed, reach out to your healthcare provider or ask a friend for help. The more you know, the better equipped you are to keep yourself healthy.

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