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How clutter creates wasted time, and what to do about it

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

Have you ever found yourself walking in circles, unable to focus? What if I tell you that the main contributor of procrastination is clutter.

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Clutter can be a major distraction and can lead to a huge waste of time. It is important to create an organized environment in order to maximize productivity and focus. Clutter can take up valuable space, making it difficult to find what you need quickly and easily. It can also lead to stress and anxiety, as it can be overwhelming to look at. Additionally, it can be mentally draining to sort through a disorganized mess. That’s why it’s important to keep your workspace and home organized.

Here are 5 ways to reduce clutter and save time:

1. Create designated areas for items. Having an area for each type of item helps to keep things organized and in one spot. Everything should have a place. If it has a place, there is no reason for it to be out of place.

2. Get rid of items you don’t need. Holding onto items you don’t need can take up valuable space and be a distraction. Some examples include extra mugs, old magazines, extra plastic containers, old kitchen appliances, extra cookbooks, and old party decorations. Instead of keeping these items, it’s often better to donate, recycle, or repurpose them.

  • Donate to a local charity or non-profit organization. This is a great way to help those in need while also getting rid of items you no longer need.

  • Recycle or up-cycle your items. Many items such as clothing, furniture, and electronics can be recycled or up-cycled so they can be used again.

  • Host a yard sale. This is a great way to make some extra money while getting rid of items you no longer need. Plus, it’s a fun way to meet your neighbors and socialize!

3. Invest in storage solutions. Investing in storage solutions, such as shelves, bins, and boxes, can help keep items organized and out of the way. These collaspable bins are my favorite because they break down easily when not in use. This worked for me because I always had a bin that was empty, or a bin that held its own universe of clutter. Bins are meant to be temporary solutions. If you have a bin that you have not looked at in a while, its likely that the things in the bin don’t have a purpose in your life anymore.

4. Make a schedule and stick to it. Having a schedule helps you stay on track and makes it easier to stay organized.

5. Make an effort to clean up. Taking a few minutes each day to clean up and put things away will help keep clutter to a minimum. Cleaning isn’t always a fun task, but with a few simple tips, you can make it a breeze! I like to designate 10 minutes. Throw on some music and set a timer. Its amazing how much you can get done in such a small amount of time. Here are five quick and easy ways to keep your space tidy in no time.

  • Start with a quick scan: Take a look around your room and identify any items that don’t belong. Gather them in a basket and put them away in their proper place.

  • Dust and vacuum: Dust can accumulate quickly and make your space look messy. Grab a feather duster or` vacuum and give your surfaces a quick once-over. This will help to keep your space looking nice and tidy.

  • Wipe down surfaces: Take a few minutes to wipe down any surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner. This will help to keep your surfaces clean and free from germs. I personally recommend Mrs. Meyers All purpose cleaner. It gets the job done and is paraben free and plant based.

  • Make your bed: Making your bed is a simple task that can make a big difference. It will instantly make your room look more organized and inviting.

By taking the time to reduce clutter and stay organized, you can save time and increase productivity. Having an organized workspace and home will help to minimize distractions, reduce stress, and save you valuable time.

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